Rabbit Hole


Jogo terá em português quando ele for finalizado. Por enquanto ele só tem em inglês.

Rabbit hole...
Rabbit hole...
What is this place?
I've working there for few days and don't have idea.
Maybe can you help with this?
I think that I like there.
Yes I like there, but is not because they.

One day...
After be rejected for all jobs I found one
Or It found me.
In truth I don't care. Just give me money...
This was me before this job...
Right now I just want...
Spend more time in this make believe world.

♥♥♥ Demo content ♥♥♥

- + 6000 Words
- Bad end Prologue
- First chapter Weedee

♥♥♥ Full release ♥♥♥
- Chapters Release
- 2 cgs for route
- 2 Guys
- 2 ends for each guy
- 20 000 words
- 5 ends

May contain swear words, sexual innuendo in the finished version.
Finished game: Game aimed at people over 14 years old.

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